Interviews and Features
blue note no. 14/blue note no. 20/blue note no. 13/blue note. no. 11/blue note no. 1
where is the Black freedomsong that does not drown meout.
You Must Care For Us: Dayvin Hallmon and the Black String Triage Ensemble
The viola has been used to represent loyalty. The cello has been used to represent the human soul. The bass, is what makes us as humans, dance.
Temazcal/Complicated Love
Sometimes, she’ll rest her feet on my shoulders, bold, steady. I flex my arms until they lose feeling.
times you just cannot name (not yet died) / the story of Aganju, the birth of Bennu
the volcano is much more water than firethe tears tearing across the face of the earth
American Ballad
I try to remember what I know about love, but every time I fall in love, I forget.
Nina Simone Who Drinks Milk at the Liquor Bar is Still Singing in Liberia
The musical notes from her piano linger in our souls, perennial.
Re-Membering Nourishment
When I bite into a tender, pink shrimp, seasoned with salt, pepper, celery, paprika and bright with lemon, I return to a day of congregation in my family after church.